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“American materialism has led the nation into a moral vacuum which portends frightening results for society. Moral values are rooted in the Christian religion because the stem from the character of God. Moral values cannot be separated from the revealed truths of the Bible and an honest adherence to them. The quest must therefore be for authentic biblical truth regarding God’s plan for the individual, and for the present and future destiny of planet earth. Thus the blueprint to be sought is not Roman, nor American, nor can any crusade be Roman-American! What must be proclaimed is a biblical message with evangelical zeal, dynamic conviction, and prophetic insight rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The religious heritage of America tells us that this can best be accomplished by a free church in a free state, where no single religious entity has a preferential status.” (V. Norskov Olsen, Papal Supremacy and American Democracy, 161)

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