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“Something…happened to the race a little while ago. One day Science came along and hustled the sages off to the garret and said to the people: ‘Your wise men are not wise and they have not been telling you the truth. The earth is not flat. The sun does not rise, neither does it set. This little world is not the center of the system. Why do you take these men at their word? Why don't you investigate things for yourself?

See here, the earth is round and we will prove it.’ And Science proved it- right before their eyes. The race was shocked. Men didn't know what to think. They thought their wise men knew. If the wise man didn't know, who did?

Then came Democracy and said: ‘Who is this Authority you have been bowing down to? Who gave Authority the right to rule over you and to say what you should believe? What sort of superstition is this that puts one man over another? Don't you know that you are all sovereigns? that all men are born free and equal? that the divine right of kings is a lie? that you are not children but men capable of governing yourselves and doing your own thinking?’

It was horrible! It was blasphemous! It was so blasphemous that the race stood trembling, half expecting a thunderbolt of divine wrath to strike it down. Then it rubs its eyes and tried to think with its poor confused brain and presently it gave a sudden start, turned its back upon Authority and with silence on one side and Democracy on the other started off with a scornful shout for the Whirlpool.” (Edward Pell. Our Troublesome Religious Questions, 1916, p.18-19)

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