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“The secularization of Adventist lifestyle extends to all areas of life. People travel (for business or vacation) on the Sabbath. Going shopping after sunset on Friday or during Sabbath hours is alright. Some feel free to change the oil, rotate tires, or wash the car on Sabbath, while waving to others going to Sabbath School. Watching secular television programs with ‘positive’ secular content seems to satisfy some conservative Adventists believers. Secularization also extends to dress and external adornment including jewelry, lack of modesty, and ‘sexy’ styles. Indiscriminate television watching, dance, premarital sex, and rock music are even encouraged in some parts of the world. Moderate alcoholic drinking and smoking is accepted and not required for baptism. This is a partial sample. Are these various secular lifestyles compatible with the Christian lifestyle? Are they acceptable Christian behaviors? How does the Christian life relate to salvation? The bottom line: Will God save me if I choose to live a secular worldly lifestyle?” (Fernando Canale, Secular Adventism?, 2013, p.24-25)

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