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“But now the word is, ‘Bread from heaven’…But then this heavenly food was of necessity a test of Israel’s condition, as we read, ‘ that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no.’ It needed a heart weaned from Egypt’s influences, to be satisfied with or enjoy ‘bread from heaven.’ In point of fact, we know that the people were not satisfied with it, but despised it, pronounced it ‘light food,’ and lusted for flesh. Thus they proved how little their hearts were delivered from Egypt, or disposed to walk in God's law. ‘In their hearts they turned back again to Egypt’ (Acts 7:39). But instead of getting back thither, they were ultimately carried away beyond Babylon. (Acts 7:43). This is a solemn and salutary lesson for Christians. If those who are redeemed from this present evil world do not walk with God in thankfulness of heart, satisfied with His provision for the redeemed in the wilderness, they are in danger of falling into the snare of Babylonish influences.” (C M Mackintosh, Exodus, 1881, p.213)

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