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“But what was the connection between the French Revolution and Communism? The same as between a mother and her child, which is widely recognized as in the following statement: ‘French materialist philosophy, social theory and socialist ideas were significant influences on the development of Communism and major contributors to Marxist ideas.’

In 1903, before the terrible regimes arose, Ellen White -with astonishing accuracy- pointed out the forces that would shape the 20th century and drench it with blood. She emphasized how these influences would contradict the Scriptures and remove all restraints from society. Amongst others, she mentioned ‘evolution and its kindred errors.’ which tend to infidelity; so- called higher criticism ‘destroying faith in the Bible as a divine revelation… robbing God’s word of power to control, uplift, and inspire human lives’, Spiritualist assertions that we are ‘unfolding demigods,’ unfettered by any law except our own desires; and anarchy, ‘seeking to sweep away all law not only divine but human.’

At the time when she wrote these words, on the doorstep of the new century, the learned West was generally looking forward to a brave new world. Progressive thinkers thought they were entering an era in which science and technology would rid the world of war and want. Goodwill, abundance for all, and universal peace were about to prevail. But that little woman presented a completely different vision of the future.” (Edwin de Kock, 7 Heads & 10 Horns, 2012, p.43-44)

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