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“A war of words as sharp as daggers have split evangelical Christians into two hostile camps. Ironically, what is fueling the civil war are two grand delusions about the nature of the Kingdom of God and the manner of its establishment -delusions that have captivated the imaginations of millions of Christians today and have marshalled them into rival religious camps… [T]he first grand delusion, which has been embraced by many Christians, is the belief that the true church will be secure secretly raptured out of this earth, opening the way for the Jews to set up at Jerusalem, a Jewish messianic Kingdom of God from which they will ruled the world for a thousand years. This belief is variously called the Rapture theory, premillennialism and dispensationalism… [T]he second grand delusion is the inverse of the first and it it's exact opposite. It is the belief that the Christian Church, revived, militant and politically savvy, will set up an earthly Kingdom of God and rule the world for a thousand years before Christ returns. This doctrine is fundamental to the teachings of a group of Christians called Reconstructionists. The teaching is also variously called Postmillennialism and Dominion Now theology, and is the derisively called the Religious Right by the Religious Left which has compromised Christianity with Marxism.” (James Henderson, Evangelical Civil War, 2017, p.1-2)

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