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“The moral decline of the West is upon us as never before. We can deny it, ignore it, try to define it, explain it, rationalize and defend it, water it down, lament the fact, criticize it, protest it, or even pledge to pray about it, but it is here nevertheless.

Our nation is beginning to see the prophetic fulfillment of what the Old and New Testament writers prophesied. In the last days, ‘perilous times shall come’, Paul wrote, warning the church that people would cling to a form of morality, but deny its real power in their lives (2 Tim. 3:15).

America's horrible humanistic experiment has had a devastating effect on the moral fabric of our nation.

Since the turn of the century, the secular minds have been weaving a tangle of human logic and speculation to help make their point-that man needs no one but himself. He doesn't need religion, which Karl Marx said ‘is the opiate of the people’. He doesn't need the Genesis story, which claims we owe allegiance to a Creator, and he certainly does not need the Kingdom of heaven, which asks that we be morally perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

This all sounds fairly attractive to the secular young minds of the new Millennium. Business opportunities, along with the carefree lifestyles and relationships of the Generation Xers, have all been painted in such an attractive light, that many young people are leaving their churches and small communities in droves to experience it for themselves. Unfortunately, it appears as though we in the West are beginning to overextend our moral credit limit in this generation, and are now mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.” (Bradley Booth, Truth or Consequences, 2003, p.91-92)

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