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“But now we must ask an important question: Why would Jesus want to obliterate the Western nations and their transplanetary offspring, including America? He is not naturally destructive, but reasonable, compassionate, and kind. The Creator and Redeemer would only destroy as a last resort, and for very good reasons. To this question, people of different nationalities would give different answers.

For instance, the Africans and Asians-still smarting under the memories of the white man’s empires-can point to the exploitation and wrongs inflicted on them over the past five centuries. Some of them also have more recent grievances, real or imaginary, like Iran, which routinely refers to the United States as ‘the great Satan.’

But the Bible gives a totally different reason for the Lord’s displeasure with the Western powers. It says they will support the Antichrist in a coalition that opposes and fights against the Lord Jesus.

Is this possible? Let us read about the astounding and tragic apostasy in Rev. 17, where the same countries are depicted, though under a different symbolism: ‘And the ten horns which you saw are 10 kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are of one mind and give over their power and authority to the beast; they will make war on the Lamb and the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and those with him are called chosen and faithful. (Vv, 12-14 RSV).

As we have already stated there will be no one- world government, because ‘they will not hold together,’ (Dan. 2:43, RSV); yet for a short while they will form an alliance to fight against the Lord and those who truly serve him.

The passage from Revelation helps us to understand why the stone first strikes the statue on its feet and toes: they decide to become Christ’s enemies and must be dealt with accordingly.” (Edwin de Kock, Christ & Antichrist in Prophecy and History, 2013, p.39-40)

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