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“God's worship does not change from place to place. He commands men to worship him according to His revealed will wherever they find themselves.

Most Christians today think of worship in man- centered terms and therefore expect worship practices to reflect the variety of cultures, traditions, and tastes that exist among God’s people. Such thinking is backward and unscriptural. The Bible regards worship as a God- centered activity. God called Abram out of his father's land and culture to embrace a religion and worship that was transcendent and transcultural, because it did not center in man and his experience but in God and His revelation. Since God is One, His commands for worship are the same regardless of the background of the worshipper.

Allowing cultural or traditional considerations to dictate the elements of worship only serves to divide the church along man- centered lines. When God's people determine to worship Him only according to His revealed commands, rather than their own personal tastes, wherever they may find themselves geographically, the church will begin to experience the unity that God designed and intended.” (Comin, 14)

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