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Go alone appoints worship ordinances (Ex. 4: 21-26)

“Exodus 4:21-26…records the circumcision of Moses’ firstborn son by his wife Zipporah, after God’s anger was kindled towards Moses for his neglect. The fact that God actually ‘sought to kill Moses’ for failing to circumcise his son is puzzling to many readers. Yet this is not difficult to understand in light of what the Scriptures reveal with regard to the zeal that God has for His appointed worship and the ordinances connected with it.

From this account we learn: (1) That neglecting the ordinances of God is a sin which incurs His most fervent displeasure; (2) That we need to watch over our own hearts, lest our love for any relation prevail over our love to God and keep us from our duty of obedience; (3) That our zeal for God and His ordinances may be cooled if we are deprived of the society of the faithful; (4) That God’s anger is kindled against even His own people when they fail to observe what He has commanded; (5) That when God reveals to us what is lacking in our conformity to His commanded ordinances we must determine to amend it quickly, lest we incur greater judgment; (6) That putting away our sins is absolutely necessary to the removal of God’s judgments; and (7) That when we return to our duty in God’s ordinances, He will return to us in mercy.” (Comin, 18)

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