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“These verses record the specific instructions given to Aaron as High Priest concerning his entrance into the most holy place. The introduction in verse 1 is clearly intended to tie this command to the holiness of God, which has been profaned by Nadab and Abihu’s ‘creative’ worship. The emphasis here is once again upon the fact that God may be approached only on His terms. Aaron is therefore told in no uncertain terms, ‘not to come at just anytime into the holy place inside the veil.’ He must come only at the time of God's appointment.

Aaron had been entrusted with a special office. As High Priest he represented God to the people, and the people before God. But even this position of privilege and responsibility did not give him license to come and go into the presence of God as he pleased. The fact that God had favored him with a special honor was not to be seen as an excuse for familiarity with God.” (Comin, 33)

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