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“In the first book of Samuel we find further confirmation of the truth that the worship of God's people is to be conducted according to His revealed will. Even prophets, priests and kings are not exempt from this rule.”

True worship is according to God's heart and mind (1 Samuel 2: 12-36)

“The birth of Samuel came during the priestly administration of Eli. Although Eli represented as a faithful priest, his two sons, Hophni and Phineas were utterly corrupt. Discontented with the portion provided for them by the law, they profaned the offerings of the Lord, seizing for themselves what rightly belong to God, and they also committed fornication with the women who came to the Tabernacle. Their wickedness provoked the anger of the Lord, for, as Mathew Henry observes, ‘Nothing is more provoking to God than the profanation of sacred things, and men serving their lusts with the offering of the Lord…’”

“When the worship of God is corrupted into the gratification of the flesh by those appointed to lead, the people soon grow weary of supporting a sham. Self- pleasing in worship produces an attitude of general contempt among the people of God for His holy ordinances. The more obvious and pronounced such self -pleasing becomes, the more disenchanted the people become with the Church. Surely, this has born itself out in our own time when more and more people are expressing contempt for the Church and its worship because the main emphasis in many churches is more and more decidedly becoming the fulfillment of personal desires and the entertainment of the people.” (Comin, 79-80)

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