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“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have One who speaks to the Father in our defense-Jesus Christ the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 Jn. 2:1,2 NIV)

When Christ came in the flesh, was there as much temptation for Him to meet, and was it as real a temptation, as though no promise had ever been made of redemption? Assuredly. If not, then He was guarded against temptation, and the conflict was not real but imaginary.

He came into the world to demonstrate the unrighteousness of that argument that Satan was presenting in the courts of God as the prosecuting attorney. It is legal all the way through. And He conquered, and became by right the Head of this dominion again, and of all who will be redeemed of it.

That word in the Greek which says that the accuser of our brethren “is cast down” conveys the idea of a prosecuting attorney who comes into court but has no case anymore, no place for argument. Now we have an Advocate in the court, Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus in heaven will never be in all respects as He was before. He who was in the form of God took the form of man. Thus He will bear our human form before the Father’s throne through eternal ages. He says, “The glory which You gave Me I have given them” (Jn. 17:22). Instead of Christ being lowered, we are exalted. Instead of divinity’s being lessened, humanity is exalted. Instead of bringing Him down to all eternity to where we are, it lifts us to all eternity where He is. Instead of robbing Him of His glory and putting Him where we are who have none, He laid aside this glory for a season and became ourselves, took our form forever, in order that this form shall be exalted to the glory which He had before the world was.

In what form was the contest carried on with Satan? In our human form, in my nature, in your nature.

Jones, General Conference Bulletin, 1895, p. 449

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