fresh light source the end times martial law
Is Martial Law Coming To The United States?

John Souter

All the Signs Indicate It's Coming Soon; Here Are Facts That You Should Know About

What's the Purpose of Martial Law in America?

When you read what's been going on while you've been busy sleeping, it should send chills up your spine. This is not some happenstance possibility; it's a diabolical plot to destroy the America that has existed for over 200 years.

When you think about martial law, you don't want to make the mistake of assuming that it will only come because of some crisis. Martial law is seldom imposed on any civilian population to maintain law and order. That's what the government wants you to believe, but that's only propaganda.

In reality its use is almost always to suppress resistance and take control of a country. Martial law almost never ends as promised because absolute power is addicting. You should think of martial law only as an act of aggression by despots planning to bring you a tyrannical government with few if any rights.

In the US, the purpose for martial law will NOT be to maintain law and order. It will be used to fulfill a president's promise to "fundamentally transform America." His vision involves an extremely ambitious coup which will definitely cost millions of lives.

The full martial law in America may involve a slow roll to keep the patriots from reacting. The implementation of Agenda 21 will be the full goal. This is the worldwide UN document which the US has already signed and agreed to (without the knowledge or approval of the majority of Americans) which calls for a dramatically reduced population.

The Primary Agenda

For Martial Law in America

The list of items below is my conviction of what the administration wants to achieve once martial law is announced. This list is substantial and to achieve all of it, will require exquisite timing and the use of extreme force. Of course, all of the items listed below won't immediately happen when martial law arrives, but this represents the ultimate "wish list" of the globalist New World Order politicians (including the President) as well as the super rich elitist bankers who are pulling the strings of power behind the curtain.

Because this agenda represents such an extreme transformation of America, you know that they will try to keep what they're doing a secret from the masses—until they reach critical mass and rebellion becomes fruitless. Martial law in America, once begun, will never end (unless the government is overthrown) because the goal is to radically change everything.

  1. 1.Controlling the Population. The first purpose of martial law is to place the entire population under strict control. If we can be cowed into obeying and don't rebel, they will rapidly continue with their more extreme measures.
    1. All critical resources will be confiscated and/or controlled. Taking full control over the distribution of the food supply, water, gasoline and electricity will force most people to comply. Dependence upon the government will be encouraged. Being self reliant by hoarding or growing food will be illegal, subject to confiscation. Fresh water will be drugged (even more than it is now) and it will also be tightly rationed.

    2. A national ID (or surgically implanted bio-metric ID chip) will likely be mandatory. By tracking the population, it will become more difficult to rebel or escape.

    3. All forms of money will be tightly regulated and controlled. Bank accounts and retirement funds will be stolen. Gold will be confiscated (even as it was under President Franklin Roosevelt). Bartering will become illegal. Only state approved and recorded financial transactions will be allowed. Anything done under the table will be harshly punishable with strict penalties.

    4. Propaganda will be continually fed to the population about the reason for the national control. The government will attempt to present itself as the country's savior from whatever manufactured crisis they have authored. Believe almost nothing that they tell you. Virtually everything they say will be a calculated lie designed to keep you hoping and subservient until resistance is no longer possible.

  2. 2.Ruthless Elimination of Resisters. The government's approval ratings are already at rock bottom. So a ruthless takeover will either polarize resistance further or force people to keep their mouths closed in the mistaken belief that things will get better. They will NOT get better.

    1. Radical control over all communication. Radio, television, the Internet and the press will all come under intense censorship or will be shut down altogether. Only government-friendly propaganda media will be allowed. Cellphones will be regulated and cut off if used against the state. An uninformed public that cannot effectively communicate will have great difficulty mounting a revolt.

    2. Control over all transportation. Every form of transportation will be taken over by and controlled by the state. Cars will be impounded if rebellion is suspected. Freedom of movement will be dramatically curtailed.

    3. Roving TSA and FEMA checkpoints. Everyone will be subject to random roving checkpoints for search and seizure. There will be no citizen rights to be violated. Unlimited detention is the threat that will keep most people compliant.

    4. Establishment of a curfew. Restricting times and places of movement will make resistance and escape much more difficult and control much easier for the government.

    5. Harsh penalties will be enacted on the spot. Local officials will be authorized to inflict punitive judgments, arrests and even summary executions without charges or evidence based upon the slightest suspicion.

    6. Terrorist events will be set off to induce fear. The government will try to make themselves look like our savior as they supposedly stop these horrific false flag events that they themselves have created. Fear through drones overhead, neighborhood spies, electronic surveillance, and the presence of military police everywhere will make the world unnerving for citizens who haven't seen all of this coming.

  3. 3.Disarming the Population. This is probably the biggest hurdle they face in subduing the US population. Because there are more guns in America than people, any attempt to disarm the population will likely result in tremendous bloodbath and maybe even a civil war.

    1. Systematic confiscation of all weapons. This is likely to be rolled out slowly in different areas with swat team raids targeting registered gun owners who haven't turned them in.

    2. Gun owners, even those who turn them in, will likely be relocated. The government will no doubt see all gun owners as potential resisters even if they turn in their weapons. So its likely they will be targeted quickly.

  4. 4.Relocation of the population. This will probably happen slowly due to the considerable logistics issues involved. But all of this is part of Agenda 21 and it is a common method that Communist despots have used many times in the past 100 years. Uprooted peoples cannot rebel as effectively.

    1. Citizens relocated to larger cities where they can be controlled and put to work. This is all part of Agenda 21 so this is all on record. Those in the country and the suburbs will be removed to the city in stages (maybe first going through detention camps to weed out the problem people).

    2. Citizens relocated to forced labor camps. Those who are considered "dead weight" will be taken to FEMA work camps. These will probably include welfare recipients, healthy senior citizens (especially social security recipients) and anyone who has any labor left that they can benefit the state.

    3. Citizens relocated to re-education camps. UN Agenda 21 can't be fulfilled without a dramatic reduction in the US population. Therefore, it seems that few will actually be reeducated. With so many freedom loving people in the US, it will probably be far easier for them to just send everyone with negative traits to the death camps.
  1. The death camps. Resisters, those unable or unwilling to work, the sick, the diseased, the inferior races, anyone who isn't worth redeeming to the political views of those in power will be easier dealt with dead than alive. All that is necessary to reach a death camp is to arouse suspicion of your disloyalty. There will be no trials. Countless millions are likely to receive this one-way trip. Of course, to avoid riots, the true nature of these camps will be kept secret until the last possible moment.

    Private property will be confiscated. Most of the land in the US has already been designated for "no people zones." These maps have already been drawn up at the United Nations for this purpose. Their goal is to have a much smaller population in the US.
  1. Property of any kind will belong to the state (except for the elitist rich rulers). No independence will be allowed; people will need to be completely dependent upon the government.

  2. There will be no need to own housing. Housing will be at the government's discretion. Private ownership will simply be terminated.

  3. The globalist rich classes (sitting in governmental or corporate offices) will own property and houses. They alone will have freedom of choice and of movement. They will be endlessly entertained (think: The Hunger Games).

  4. Independent businesses will be fazed out. Almost all businesses will be nationalized or run by giant multi-national corporations. Almost all food will be created in large efficient factories (similar to what it is now) using genetically modified crops, hormone injected animals, all filled with slow acting poisons and behavior controlling drugs. This type of food production takes less space and is much more efficient, but is deadly to consumers.

  5. Crowded multi family dwelling structures in the central cities will house the majority of workers. In small spaces, tightly monitored, they will be much easier to work and control.

    6.All lifestyles will be dramatically altered. Transportation, communication and choices will all be greatly reduced. All workers will be vaccinated, fed GMOs, and drugged into compliance without any choices. Life expectancy will be low.

    7.Society will have no freedom. The Bill of Rights will become a foggy memory.

    8.Children will become the property of the state. Taken at a young age, they will be raised and indoctrinated in state school factories. They will be groomed for different stations depending upon the eugenics standards set by the state.

The Signs Martial Law is Coming

Now I'm sure that some reading this may be thinking: "He's guessing. How can we know that martial law will involve all of this and that it is coming to America anytime soon?"

I would love to be wrong with what this article predicts. But some future events seem pretty obvious when you assemble all the supporting evidence. Viewed together, the odds that this will happen—and soon—become overwhelming. Here are some of the major pieces of evidence I've found which convinces me that this is coming soon:

First of all, check out the UN Agenda 21 so that you can better understand where this martial law agenda comes from and how it isn't going away anytime soon.

1.Arms build up within the government. I've read and seen article after article on this and the buildup of arms within the US government has definitely accelerated at breakneck speed. You have to ask yourself why all of these governmental agencies are arming themselves. What are they afraid of or planning to do with those armaments?

The DHS has purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammo, acquired 2700 armored personnel carriers, has 100,000+ armed enforcement agents and has acquired thousands of military vehicles. Almost every department of the government from the US Postal Service to the Social Security Admin to the national weather service, all have purchased weapons, immense amounts of ammo and they all have their own swat teams. Why do they need this unless they expect to have a war on their hands?

2.Indefinite detention is now legal. The National Defense Authorization Act was passed by Congress allowing the arrest and imprisonment of an American citizen on US soil without habeas corpus. And we can now be held indefinitely without due process. This one act is usually the first thing that's taken away with martial law—and it's already gone.

3.Americans can now be murdered "legally" by this President. Drones have been used on the President's approval to kill Americans that were not convicted of a crime or act of terrorism, and who were not even involved in such an act. These killings include a 14-year-old American youth who was merely riding in a car. The memo that was used to justify these murders overseas has come out and it is blatantly unconstitutional.

4.The DHS mission has now changed to one of domestic terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security recently sponsored a study which proclaims their mission is no longer foreign inspired terrorism. They're now focusing on domestic terrorism by Americans against the US. In other words, they are now targeting law abiding Americans who are worried about their own government. The government views those of us who feel this way as the "new terrorists" to be dealt with.

The government also sees armed forces veterans as potential resisters as 90 percent of the armed services are not in alignment with the agenda of our socialized government. So the armed forces and the vets must be neutralized.

5.Local police forces are being federalized (in violation of the 10th Amendment). All sorts of used military equipment is now being transferred to these city departments. Through this process the DHS will end up acquiring a national police force to enhance its already considerable national manpower to enforce martial law.

6.Police forces are now engaging in consistent swat attacks for minor offenses. Last year alone it is estimated that 80,000 unannounced swat team invasions of homes occurred in the US. These involved breaking down doors, concussion grenades and the deaths of many pets and innocent occupants including many children who have also been injured or seriously traumatized.

7.Limited-edition martial law lockdowns are happening throughout the US on a regular basis. The lockdown declared in Watertown area after the Boston bombing was a sort of "beta test" of the martial law process. During this attack innocent occupants of homes were forced onto the street with no opportunity to grab clothes, flashlights, cellphones or turn anything off inside their houses. They were forcefully made to place their hands behind their heads as they were crowded together.

Simulated "terrorist war games" are now being held in many big cities as local police, DHS, and National Guard units all swarm in with helicopters and overwhelming firepower designed to make average citizens yield in fear the state.

8.The President is already acting like a dictator. He now routinely disobeys and refuses to enforce laws he doesn't like. He rewrites laws on his own that have been passed by Congress. He instructs the government to increase hardship on the American people for political reasons. He uses the IRS and other agencies to target and punish his enemies. He flaunts and simply ignores all the investigations into his law breaking.

He has opened the borders telling our agents to stand down. Thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens (especially children) have been wooed in the Central American by the CIA, and escorted to our borders by paid guides (paid by the CIA) who have been told they won't be asked to leave if they can get here. Aliens who have all sorts of diseases which is creating a humanitarian crisis. He has also invited the UN in to deal with this crisis (which is another act of giving away our sovereignty.

And of course he has now written his own laws saying that these illegals have more rights than US citizens. They can get driver's licenses, travel freely within the country, get society security cards and aid if they have no money. He's also rewriting US foreign policy towards countries like Cuba and Iran with virtually no oversight allowed of Congress. Even though his policies were soundly defeated in the most recent election, he continues to rule on his own agenda no matter what anyone says or thinks.

9.Many martial law orders are already in place. This is an extremely compelling argument that we are on the edge of this declaration. It has already been planned and it will be totally "legal" when it happens. Multitudes of redundant executive actions can quickly be enforced and they will thoroughly lock down the country and put virtually everything under the President's control. And I mean everything. Here are a few of these orders

    1. National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order. Signed in 2014 this order puts the US in a permanent state of martial law. It can be activated whenever he chooses. It expands his authority allowing the government to take over and control every resource. Martial law can now happen during peace time. The entire economy comes under the President's direction. Anything produced can be taken by the government. All private companies can be seized and what they are allowed to produce will be fully under government control.

    2. Executive Order 10995: All communications media will all be seized by the Feds. The First Amendment is to be suspended indefinitely.

    3. Executive Order 10997: All electrical power, fuels, and all minerals well be seized.

    4. Executive Order 10998: All food resources will be seized by the government. You will not be allowed to hoard. If they find it they take it.

    5. Executive Order 10999: All modes of transportation, including all vehicles can be seized by the government.

    6. Executive Order 11000: All civilians can be made to work under federal supervision.

    7. Executive Order 11490: Establishes presidential control over all citizens, businesses, and churches.

    8. Executive Order 12919: Cabinet officials will take over all aspects of the US economy at the direction of the president.

    9. Executive Order 13010: FEMA to take control over all government agencies in an emergency.

    10. Presidential Decision Directive 51 gives the President dictatorial powers and gives him the power to suspend elections.

    11. Executive Order 13503: take over of all energy, civil transportation, all water, commodities, health resources, drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services.

    12. Executive Order 13603. allows Labor Secretary to oversee a coming civilian draft. In 2008 Obama stated "we need to construct a national civilian security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" (as the military). Sounds like the SS under Hitler.

Dave Hodges says: "To fully understand the relationship that will exist between yourself and the government, Google “Executive Order 13603″. The reasons behind the creation of Executive Order 13603 will soon become readily apparent. You will retain ownership over nothing including food, water, guns, ammunition, your house, your car and even yourself. If you survive, you will be conscripted to work in some capacity in a specialty and location not of your choosing. The provisions for dealing with potential dissidents will go into motion under the NDAA which allows for mass arrest and secret incarcerations without due process. There is one ironclad thing that you can count on, food and water will be used to control the people following the collapse of the dollar."

The Four Stages of US Martial Law

There are four distinct stages of the coming martial law in America. This is what you should expect to see happen.

Stage One: Preparation for Martial Law. This stage is just about completed. This is when the government gets organized and ready for a total lockdown, and where the state preps the people to accept the lockdown as necessary and protective in nature.

Stage Two: A Crisis Event to Trigger Martial Law. Some real or manufactured crisis event will likely be used to initiate the crackdown. The more devastating the event, the more believable it will be to the majority of Americans who have no clue what's going on within government. That will make it all the more believable.

Expect a lot of people to die. The 911 attacks were extremely effective as a galvanizing crisis event because it seemed impossible that the US would ever stoop to killing 3,000 of its own citizens just to motivate the country towards a willingness to let government take over and protect us.

I would expect the next trigger event to be even more devastating than 911. Dick Cheney, the former vice president who was definitely involved in the implementation of the September 11 false flag attack has already gone on record saying such a terrorist attack in America is likely a guarantee. He says that next time it will be much bigger than 911. He should know because he's one of the criminals who is still pushing us all towards the New World Order.

Back in early September and October of 2013 (when Obama wanted to go to war in Syria), there is strong evidence that he had several nuclear devices transferred to South Carolina. The intention seems to have been that they were going to detonate it within a ship in the harbor at Charleston and blame it on those in the Middle East. Senator Lindsey Graham (a Republican) spoke publicly, fear mongering over the possibility of such an event if we didn't launch misses against Syria. Apparently, cooler headed generals disobeyed orders and set off the bomb 200 miles out at sea (for which Obama fired them).

Obama later stated publicly that a terrorist might set off a dirty bomb in New York City. These kinds of events, especially when alluded to in advance, will definitely be false flag attacks designed as a triggering event for martial law.

As opposition to Obama has increased, and the government's strategy has also morphed. Domestic terrorists are now the new targeted group. So the ideal trigger could easily be blamed on some patriots, constitution lovers, Christians or anyone from the right. This would give the government a ready excuse to go after all such groups.

The roll out of martial law will likely follow the government's normal false flag script. During every false flag event of the last 14 years, there was a training exercise going on in the same area at the same time designed for the exact same kind of terrorist attack that amazingly happened right then. This is true of 911, the Sandy Hook shootings, the Boston Bombing, and even the subway attack in London several years ago. This is a hallmark of attacks that have been dramatically staged so that all the key people like crisis actors, liberal media reporters, and onsite government workers are all prepared to talk live to CNN while it is happening.

The Collapse of the Dollar as a Trigger

Another scenario that could easily be instituted either by design or when it happens naturally, is the death of the dollar. Here is a compelling argument on this same subject from Dave Hodges: "What Does a Currency Collapse Look Like?

"It can accurately be stated that a lot has been written and rehearsed by the federal government on the topic of the effects of a currency collapse and its subsequent impact on society. NORTHCOM, DHS and FEMA as well as other federal entities have practiced for this eventuality. In each and every scenario, the facts remain the same, human beings and society follows a very predictable pattern of decline when the currency of the day collapses. And normally, the currency collapse comes without any warning to the general public.

"When George Soros recently pulled his money from the S&P 500 and from Bank of America, Citibank and JP Morgan, all Americans should have sat up and taken notice. Generally, when the currency collapses, a stock market crash is right on its heels. Because of the repeal of GlassSteagall, a banking meltdown will immediately occur following the collapse of the stock market because since Clinton’s presidency, banks are now allowed to loan money for investment in the stock market and for down payments for homes. It was irresponsible of Congress to repeal GlassSteagall, because it made surviving an economic Armageddon a near impossibility just as it did during the 1929 crash.

"In a currency collapse, your life savings will be wiped out. From this point on, the effect cascades like a roaring tsunami racing across the open ocean.

"Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy demonstrated that gas stations will be bone dry within two days following a complete collapse. Subsequently, commerce will not move. If you are on vacation, you may not make it home. On the second day following a currency collapse, being on the road will be a risky endeavor because of other desperate motorists who will lie in wait to rob other motorists of essential supplies and resources.

"With no available fuel, the grocery and drug stores will be empty within one to three days. There will be no food to be had except for that which is decaying in your refrigerator and that in which you can beg, borrow and steal from your neighbors who will also be begging, borrowing and stealing. from your other neighbors. If you have an adequate food and water supply, you better have an adequate gun and ammo supply in order to defend your assets. And when will you sleep? The protection of your critical assets is a 24/7 proposition. Therefore, having a cooperative survival plan is critical.

"Without gas, people will stop going to work. Corporations will disappear overnight. Hurricane Katrina showed America that the police cannot be expected to stay on the job more than 48-72 hours as they will be home protecting their families and foraging for food and water like everyone else. The emergence of former police, now operating as gangs, will become common in an effort to secure the products which will ensure survival. Therefore, when your home is under attack, there will be nobody to call. Everyone will be on their own.

"The elderly and the chronically ill will be the first to die. Too old to defend their assets, the elderly will find themselves overpowered as they will make easy preys of opportunity for the roving gangs. The chronically ill will have no way to procure their medication and even if they survive the looting rampage which will follow a currency collapse, these poor souls will perish without access to their life-sustaining prescriptions.

"The money in your wallet will be useless. Cell phones will not work. Heating and air conditioning will not work either and depending on the time of year, the environment could prove deadly to untold numbers of people.

"Water treatment plants will stop operating for the same reasons that you will not be able to find a cop during this crisis; nobody will be manning the water treatment plants. Toilets will back up and diseases will spread like wildfire. Cholera will become the leading cause of death even surpassing homicide. Something as simple as toilet paper will become a prized commodity. There will be no trash pickup and more disease will result due to the increased rodent population.

"Clean drinking water and hunger will become the dominant motivator in society. Roving bands of looters, turned murderers, will sweep through neighborhoods seeking to obtain these critical elements of survival. Young women will sell themselves for a can of food for their children. Society will see the widespread loss of human dignity and self-respect.

"Infanticide and euthanasia of the weak will become common events because there will be decided efforts to reduce the amount of mouths to feed. There will be the stark realization that the lights are not coming back on and the ensuing sense of hopelessness will lead to murdersuicides within families and simple incidences of suicide will be used as a means to escape the horrendous circumstances...

"During this time, Americans will truly discover if there really are FEMA camps and what they will be used for. If people want to eat, they will be enticed to go where food is promised. Although you can count on the above mentioned events transpiring in the event of a currency collapse..." we know that the government will take full advantage of such a crisis to control and enslave the population.

There are currently 70 million Americans who will starve if the government stops sending them checks of welfare or some other benefit. It will be VERY easy for the government to tighten the noose around people's necks when they realize that they are going to be cut off if they don't obey.

Stage Three: The Roll Out of Martial Law.

If there is a single smaller trigger, the federal response will likely be far more focused upon shutting down the area where the attack took place. All sorts of innocent people will be arrested and in some areas herded into FEMA detainment centers. Like 911 there will likely be other attacks in other parts of the US which are caught by our ever watchful governmental agents. This will cause the crack down to spread and eventually lead to the declaration of martial law. But nationwide martial law can quickly happen if the dollar dies, and the feds are already orchestrating that.

How all of this will happen I'm sure will depend upon what the triggering event is, how successful it is, and how the public is responding. If the public reacts negatively, it might end up being a flop, pushing off the timetable to a new trigger down the road.

If both the trigger and the beginning stages of the roll out are successful, look for there to be successive crackdowns, tightening the noose of the freedom of all citizens. Like with 911 where airline travel was shut down, they will probably shut down the Internet and leave only broadcast media so that people will be stuck with the mainstream media. All true media will be shut out and will be unreachable.

There will likely be sudden shortages of food and water. If people have to depend upon the government for their basic necessities, they won't have a lot of time to consider "conspiracy theories."

If weapons haven't already been confiscated, this will likely be the beginning of that. Expect to hear drones in the sky, helicopters flying overhead, police sirens all night. Known patriots will be targeted first and taken.

Stage Four: The Total Destruction of the Existing United States.

Without any negative press and the alternative news sites to tell the truth, I would expect that all those who are seen as trouble makers will be quickly imprisoned. When the Internet is finally turned back on, I would suspect that it will be a more censored version, with the offending websites culled from Google and blacked out.

The transition between the beginning stages of martial law and the move towards their real agenda, which will really start to heat up when they begin to relocate thousands of US citizens will be quite tricky I think. Obama and his government have a track record for being inept. Like with Obamacare, they have a tendency to bite off more than they can chew, and will probably want to transform America, moving from crisis to crisis. Trying to control the tiger by stomping onto his tail will be difficult like it will be if 150 million people are truly pissed off at their government.

But I wouldn't think that anything is off the table with these people. Genocide on an unprecedented scale isn't unthinkable to the globalists. In fact, I think they would relish the chance to unleash it. If they feel like they are losing their grip, they might try the wholesale slaughter of the American people while they have weapons superiority (at least in the beginning). No scenario should be ruled out with this group of amateur despots.

If they succeed in maintaining control over the tiger, woe to America. Even if almost no one fights back, it is highly unlikely that Agenda 21 will be implemented without millions of Americans ending up dead.


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